Law firm
Our law firm philosophy? Clarity in thinking, strategy in acting
In our law firm, we prioritise the highest legal quality, transparency and strategic thinking. We develop customised solutions for your individual challenges. Law firm founder
Dr Elias Schönborn combines his specialisation in criminal defense with comprehensive expertise in avoiding criminal law risks and discreetly dealing with possible legal violations.

Your reliable partner in challenging times
Legal challenges often have a deep impact on personal or business life. Dr Elias Schönborn and his team are at your side with a high level of specialisation and human understanding. In the criminal defense, we aim to tailor the defense strategy to the fastest possible conclusion of the criminal proceedings in order to protect your rights in the best possible way.
In addition to the defense, we help you minimise your exposure to criminal liability by providing preventive advice and conducting internal investigations – for example, on the basis of whistleblowing – in a discreet and professional manner. We also provide comprehensive support to victims of unlawful behaviour in enforcing their claims, whether through private participation in criminal proceedings or civil proceedings.
Proven expertise in the areas of compliance and whistleblowing
Dr. Schönborn is co-author of the first Austrian handbook on Criminal Compliance. In addition to his work as a lawyer, Dr. Elias Schönborn is also a certified Compliance Officer and regularly advises companies and public institutions on the design of effective compliance structures, the identification and minimisation of criminal law risks and the conduct of Internal Investigations. He also specialises in all legal issues relating to whistleblowing and is co-author of the first legal commentary on the Austrian Whistleblower Protection Act (HSchG). In addition to his practical work, Dr. Schönborn is a lecturer for renowned providers such as ARS, AWAK and MANZ.
You can find more information about our services here. Further information on the areas of law in which we specialise can be found here.
“Dr. Elias Schönborn ist a leading individual in white-collar crime matters. His profound knowledge in criminal proceedings and criminal investigations was a great asset for us. He is also a key contact for internal investigations.”
- Successful defense of a leading global technology company in the healthcare sector in a criminal case as an accused association, achieving the termination of the investigation within a few months.
- Represented an aggrieved investor as a private party against an Austrian entrepreneur in cross-border criminal proceedings with a total amount of damages in the double-digit million range.
- Successful defense of a managing director in an international criminal investigation for allegations of fraud in the millions – termination of the investigation proceedings.
- Successful defense of a doctor in a complex medical criminal law case concerning the accusation of grossly negligent manslaughter of a patient – termination of the criminal investigation proceedings after a few months.
- Successful defense of a public official in a politically controversial case concerning allegations of abuse of office – termination of the criminal investigation proceedings.
- Private participation and assertion of claims for damages on behalf of a pharamcist in high-profile criminal proceedings relating to allegations of fraud through falsified COVID-19 tests in over 70,000 cases.
- Conducted an internal investigation for a listed company due to significant allegations of environmental offences.
- Developed an anti-corruption guideline and provided ongoing criminal law compliance advice for a global medical device manufacturer.
- Successful defense of a doctor in a high-profile case involving allegations of contributing to embezzlement – termination of the preliminary criminal proceedings
- Advised and supported a global automotive supplier during an internal investigation following a whistleblower report of criminally relevant allegations.
- Created a compliance guideline and conducted a workshop for a state institution on anti-corruption and the avoidance of conflicts of interest.
- Successful defense an accused managing director in a criminal investigation for allegations of embezzlement in the millions – proceedings were terminated after a few months.
- Advised and represented a whistlblower in a case of accounting fraud and other serious economic offenses in one of Austria’s largest healthcare groups.
- Represented a former professional soccer player as a private participant in an investigation related to a crypto fraud case with a six-figure amount of damage.
- Strafrechtliche Compliance und Umgang mit Whistleblowing (2024)
- RFG – Schriftenreihe Recht und Finanzen für Gemeinden (MANZ-Verlag), 104 Seiten (together with Morwitzer)
- Verhältnismäßigkeit und Datenschutz bei der Sicherstellung von Daten(trägern) – Zwischen effizienter Strafverfolgungs und effektivem Grundrechtsschutz (2024)
- Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Finanzstrafrecht (ZWF) · 15.07.2024 (together with Thiel)
- Gesetzliche Regelungen zur Handy-Sicherstellung sind verfassungswidrig (Austria) (2024)
- WiJ – Journal der Wirtschaftsstrafrechtlichen Vereinigung e.V. (WisteV) 15.06.2024 (together with Thiel)
- Stampiglienbeschluss als rechtsstaatliches Feigenblatt (2024)
- Die Presse Rechtspanorama vom 29.1.2024 (together with Seidl)
- Ausgewählte strafrechtliche Schwachpunkte des HSchG (2024)
- ecolex 2024/1, 13
- Praxishandbuch Criminal Compliance (2023)
- Wie Unternehmen strafrechtliche Risiken vermeiden und auf Verdachtsfälle richtig reagieren können, 700 Seiten, published at MANZ (together with Morwitzer)
- Das strafrechtliche Nachspiel zu den Corona-Förderungen (2023)
- Die Presse Rechtspanorama vom 10.7.2023 (together with Dondras)
- Kapitel “Einbindung der Polizei” und “strafrechtliche Zulässigkeit von Lösegeldzahlungen” in Anderl (Hrsg), Cybercrime (2023) (together with Steinhofer)
- Handbuch für die Praxis, published at LexisNexis
- How to implement an effective Criminal Compliance Management System (2023)
- CEJ 2023, Volume 9 No 1, 36
- HinweisgeberInnenschutzgesetz (HSchG) (2023)
- Kurzkommentar zum österreichischen HSchG, 232 Seiten, published at Linde (together with Kudrna/Karpf/Kitzberger)
- Criminal Compliance mit System meistern (2023)
- ZWF 2023, 11 (together with Keimelmayr)
- Effektive Rechtsausübung und prozesstaktische Erwägungen für Privatbeteiligte (2023)
- ÖJZ 2023, 86
- Buchbesprechung – Korruption im Krankenhaus – effektiv vermeiden, gegensteuern und aufklären (2022)
- RdM 2022, 236
- Dürfen Strafverfolgungsbehörden Beschuldigte zur (biometrischen) Entschlüsselung von Endgeräten zwingen? (2022)
- JBl 2022, 361 (together with Seidl)
- Haftung & Prävention: Aktuelle Antworten zum “Fake President Fraud” (2022)
- Compliance Praxis 1/2022, 31 (together with Spadinger)
- Keine Geschäftsführerhaftung bei Cyber-Attacke – Zugleich eine Besprechung von OGH 8 ObA 109/20t (2022)
- ecolex 2022, 144 (together with Löw)
- Behördenzugriff auf Handys gehört gesetzlich geregelt – und begrenzt (2022)
- Die Presse – Rechtspanorama vom 10.1.2022 (together with Seidl)
- Anti-corruption compliance in times of the covid-19 pandemic – criminal law risks and incentives for compliance-management-systems in the healthcare sector (2021)
- CEJ 2021, Vol 7 No 1, 5
- Antikorruptions-Compliance in Zeiten der COVID-19-Pandemie (2020)
- RdM 2020, 268
- Korruption im Gesundheitswesen (2020)
- Strafrechtliche Beurteilung korruptiven Verhaltens im Medizinsekor – (Monographie, 296 Pages, published at Linde)
- Offene Fragen zur Korruption im privaten Sektor nach § 309 StGB (2019)
- JSt 2019, 419
- Aktive Korruption als Untreue? (2019)
- ZWF 2019, 174
- Die Verursachung von Prozessrisiken aus strafrechtlicher Sicht (2019)
- JSt 2019, 228
- Der rechtlich begründete Anspruch im Korruptionsstrafrecht (2019)
- JSt 2019, 9
- Die Richtlinie zur Europäischen Ermittlungsanordnung – Kernfragen zu strafprozessualen Effizienzbestrebungen im Unionsrecht und Szenarien möglicher Rechtsschutzdefizite nach nationalem Recht (2017)
- juridikum 2017, 58
- Zur strafrechtlichen Beurteilung des konzerninternen Cash Pooling (2016)
- JSt 2016, 421
Fast and competent legal advice
Do you need legal support?
We are here for you – book a consultation appointment directly or use the contact form to get in touch with us.