Lectures & Workshops
Lectures & Workshops

Lectures & Workshops by a renowned legal expert

Dr. Elias Schönborn also shares his expertise in the form of Lectures, Employee Training Courses and Workshops throughout Austria. We offer customised Training Courses for companies and public corporations to ensure that their compliance measures are always up-to-date, practical and effective.

Expert knowledge for your company: Our training offer

In the dynamic world of law, it is essential to always be up to date. Attorney Dr. Elias Schönborn not only shares his expertise with clients in the course of his representation, but is also a speaker at renowned specialist providers such as ARS, AWAK and MANZ. In addition, he offers customised Lectures, Workshops and Training Courses in his specialist areas.

Lectures and Workshops

The great advantage of our customised Workshops and Presentations is that an external, independent expert brings a different perspective to your company. We work closely with you to plan the flow of a Presentation and enable you to actively place the questions that are important to you from the outset, which are clarified during the Presentation. After the Presentation, there is enough time for personal dialogue and to answer questions from the audience.

Do you have any questions on this topic or do you need support? Feel free to contact us directly.

Dr. Elias Schönborn

Do you have any questions on this topic or do you need support? Feel free to contact us directly.

Dr. Elias Schönborn
Attorney at Law & Criminal Defense Lawyer

Employee Training

Regular Employee Training or Webinars are an essential part of a functioning compliance management system. Many companies now rely on specialised experts from consulting practice to conduct or supplement Compliance Training for their employees. This is because it is often worth having an external view of the company taken by a lawyer who is obliged to maintain confidentiality and who also presents the latest legal developments of practical relevance.

Training areas

Dr. Elias Schönborn offers Lectures, Workshops and Employee Training in the following specialist areas:

The costs for our Training Courses are staggered as follows: EUR 1,400 plus VAT for a half day (approx. 3-4 hours) and EUR 2,600 plus VAT for a full day (approx. 6-7 hours). These prices also include the preparation and creation of the training documents and presentation as well as coordination with you.

Dr. Elias Schönborn
Dr. Elias Schönborn
Attorney at Law & Criminal Defense Lawyer


  • 1. Why is Compliance Training so important for companies?

    Training Courses and Webinars are particularly suitable for conveying the values behind laws and for being able to respond individually to the participants. In line with the saying "words instruct, examples inspire", all our Training Programmes are underpinned with practical examples that are relevant to the company. In this way, we ensure that our Training Courses offer real added value in everyday working life.
  • 2. Which target groups do you offer Training for?

    In order to achieve the best possible learning success, we recommend customised Training Courses for different target groups. For example, a Training Course on anti-corruption can be developed specifically for managers and department heads. This could cover relevant topics such as explaining the definition of a public official, dealing with gifts, sponsorship, invitations and commissions. Other employees, for example from the Compliance, Legal and HR departments, could receive training in whistleblowing and in-depth training in Criminal Compliance, for example.
  • 3. What is the content of a Training Course in preparation for a possible house search?

    No company is immune to state investigations, so there is always the possibility of a search - even if the allegations are ultimately unfounded. We support companies in drawing up instructions for action in the event of a house search and communicating them to key persons (reception area, IT department, legal department, etc.). We draw up clear checklists for you that cover all the important points from the arrival of the officers to the debriefing of the search. You will also be informed about the rights you have during a search.
  • 4. In which cases is criminal law training by a lawyer advisbale?

    Criminal law advice from a lawyer is recommended in a number of contexts. Companies can educate their employees about criminal law risks and compliance requirements. This will ensure that employees are aware of their obligations and that the company itself is able to comply with the relevant legislation, thereby reducing the likelihood of legal action being taken against it. Managers may also benefit from training to enhance their comprehension of their responsibilities and liability risks, thereby enabling them to respond in a more appropriate manner in the event of a risky situation. In general, criminal law training is beneficial at all levels of the company in order to inform employees about criminal law issues and risks of the specific company, thereby preventing legal violations. Criminal law prevention training serves to enhance awareness of legal risks and to encourage compliance within the company.

Are you interested in our Training Programmes?

Contact us.