
Economy. Law. Knowledge: Always up to date

The blog addresses important topics and developments in the areas of Commercial Criminal Law, Compliance and Whistleblowing and is primarily aimed at companies, managers, compliance employees and consultants. The blog posts are practically orientated and contain tips for direct implementation.
Rechtsanwalt und Strafverteidiger Dr. Elias Schönborn informiert im Blog über Entwicklungen zu den Themen Strafrecht, Compliance und Whistleblowing.
Reform of the reimbursement of criminal defense costs - lawyer
Anyone who appoints a defense lawyer in criminal proceedings is generally required to bear the costs of this representation. As of 1st August 2024, the legislator has now implemented a change to the so-called “Verteidigerkostenersatz”, which is a reimbursement of…
Investigation Proceedings Lawyer Dr. Elias Schönborn - criminal defense
Criminal proceedings commence as soon as the criminal police or prosecution authority investigate an initial suspicion. In principle, criminal proceedings…
The counterfeiting of evidence can play a role in all areas of law, and a corresponding accusation can have serious…
Criminal defense lawyer for allegations of Fraud Sec 146 StGB (Austrian Criminal Code)
The offense of fraud under Sec 146 of the Austrian Criminal Code (StGB) can be committed in a wide variety…
Lawyer for House searches in Vienna.
House searches are a key measure in the context of criminal investigation proceedings and often represent a massive intrusion into…
Counterfeiting legal documents, forgery of data
Documentary offenses play a central role in Commercial Criminal Law, as they are often used for deceptive purposes. An accusation…
Accepting and giving advantages to interference (Sec 306, Sec 307b StGB)
At a time when corruption in politics and business is increasingly making headlines, the criminal offenses of accepting advantages in…
The offenses of accepting benefitadvantages (Sec 305 StGB) and granting benefitadvantages (Sec 307a StGB) are important components of Austrian criminal…
The criminal offense of misuse of official authority under SectionSec 302 Austrian Criminal Code (StGB) – also known as abuse…
Allegations of corruption offenses such as active or passive bribery or corruption can lead to a significant loss of public…


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