Legal Opinions
Legal Opinions

Lawyer for Legal Opinions

As Warren Buffet once said: "It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it." In business, there are numerous criminal pitfalls, as legal regulations are often complicated and difficult for laypeople to understand. Misconduct can result in both imprisonment and fines. Companies can also be penalised with an association fine and suffer considerable reputational damage. A legal opinion from a lawyer enables you to have a specialist assess a situation from a legal perspective in order to minimise the risk of criminal liability.

In which situations is it advisable to obtain a Legal Opinion?

In the context of criminal law, a Legal Opinion or memorandum from a lawyer can help to clarify whether a certain act is punishable or not. It always depends on asking the right questions first to understand the overall context and the relevant details. The Business Judgement Rule, which is particularly relevant in business life, can even oblige decision-makers to seek the expertise of a specialist in unclear cases.

Depending on the entrepreneurial background, the same action in one case may be lawful, and in another case, an unacceptable abuse of granted powers that can constitute the criminal offense of breach of trust. The same applies analogously to numerous other economic and corruption offences. Thus, a Legal Opinion can tell you whether a specific action in your individual situation poses a criminal risk or not.

Do you have any questions on this topic or do you need support? Feel free to contact us directly.

Dr. Elias Schönborn

Do you have any questions on this topic or do you need support? Feel free to contact us directly.

Dr. Elias Schönborn
Attorney at Law & Criminal Defense Lawyer

What are the costs for obtaining a Legal Opinion?

A legal opinion can help you to demonstrate that you have acted on the basis of an expert opinion. We provide you with an objective, independent and carefully prepared legal opinion at the highest legal level. When it comes to costs, clarity and transparency are very important to us. It goes without saying that we provide you with a transparent and clear picture of the costs involved right from the start. In addition to traditional hourly rate solutions, we are also happy to offer you cost estimates and, if desired, fixed prices for our Legal Opinions.

We offer Legal Opinions on all aspects of criminal law. Our specialisations include, in particular, expert opinions and memoranda in the areas of White-Collar Criminal Law, Anti-Corruption, Corporate Criminal Law, Medical Criminal Law, Compliance, Whistleblowing and Whistleblower Protection Law.

Dr. Elias Schönborn
Dr. Elias Schönborn
Attorney at Law & Criminal Defense Lawyer


  • 1. In which situations is it advisable to obtain a Legal Opinion?

    Obtaining a Legal Opinion is advisable if you are unsure whether an action could be a criminal offence or if you need legal clarity about certain behaviour - especially in a business context. It can also be useful to obtain a Legal Opinion after an Internal Investigation in order to assess the legal consequences and plan the next steps.
  • 2. What information is needed to create a Legal Opinion?

    As a rule, detailed information on the facts of the case, relevant documents and, if necessary, explanations are required in order to be able to provide a legal assessment on this basis. The information and documents provided will of course be treated in strict confidence, are subject to the lawyer's duty of confidentiality and are processed in accordance with data protection regulations.
  • 3. Can it be useful to obtain a second expert opinion?

    Particularly in complex cases, there are often several possible lines of argument for the legal assessment of a case. It is always important that the author of a Legal Opinion analyses the facts of the case on the basis of current case law and relevant literature. In the case of fundamental decisions - as with medical issues - it can make sense to obtain a second, independent opinion in order to be on the safe side from a compliance perspective. This applies in particular to criminal law issues, as criminal law is the "sharpest weapon of the law".
  • 4. Why can it be useful to obtain a legal opinion from a lawyer in a criminal law context?

    A legal opinion from a lawyer with expertise in criminal law can provide clarity in the context of challenging legal issues. The objective of the expert opinion is assessing the risks of a situation, in order to provide a basis for business decisions with far-reaching consequences. The company benefits not only from the lawyer's legal expertise, but also from his extensive experience of criminal law issues and criminal proceedings in practice. Furthermore, the lawyer's strict duty of confidentiality also ensures that your case is handled discreetly and confidentially.

Do you need a Legal Opinion or have questions?

Contact us.